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A modern rags to riches tale set in the oil rig world of West Texas
Check out the most popular movies and TV shows by writer/director Taylor Sheridan on IMDb, ranked by user ratings. Landman, at least one of whom works in the oil industry, explores acting as a go-between for companies and landowners. Generally, a landman’s job is to negotiate and finalize agreements with landowners who own mineral rights to lease those rights to the company they represent, essentially managing and leasing the land so they can drill for oil and gas.
as mentioned in CBS News Sunday Morning: Episode #4424 (2022)
Like a foreman on a construction site, they install roads, man-camps, dredge, and dig wells, especially in remote locations. They are also part fixer, part problem solver, and part helper… But like the show and everything Taylor Sheridan does, where was the technical advisor?
In the pump accident, Billy Bob wasn’t holding the pipe wrench properly
No one on set knows how to advise him on something so basic. I had to repeat it when I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. In the event of an accident, the crew will know the proper equipment and how to operate it.
and a portable explosive gas monitor
Like a 36″ pipe wrench that few people can get behind. No one is going to hammer a short pipe wrench. Heck, get a 2-foot pipe to extend your arm if that’s all you have.
No one stands on the pipe of a truck and no one stands upright without a seat belt
Since he’s worked in similar places, the show deviates from industry safety measures, which is ridiculous according to the OSHA handbook.